Wild Thoughts

Inside a hunter’s mind

Fox hunting at night during winter

February 26, 2023 | Hunting stories

  Hunting foxes in Switzerland is quite a challenge. Contrary to other countries, you will have to follow specific and strict rules that make this task much harder. Since I like a challenge, I decided to try to hunt a fox during winter for the first time. After two months of freezing in the night, […]

The Huntsquad app: an app 100% dedicated to safety

February 8, 2023 | Security

  If you follow Hunt and Eat Well on social media, you probably saw that we are developing an iOS/Android hunting application 100% dedicated to safety during driven hunts. I used to go hunting for wild boar in Alsace, where I enjoy Sauerkraut and the beautiful landscape. But as you all know driven hunts can […]

My trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia – Part 3

December 29, 2022 | Hunting stories, Hunting trips

  This is the third part of a series of articles “My trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia”. To get the best experience, I recommend reading the first and the second part.   Chapter 3: The day after   After an unforgettable day hunting mouflon, Anel organized a fishing session with the owner of the Konoba […]

My trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia – Part 2

December 28, 2022 | Hunting stories, Hunting trips

  This is the second part of a series of articles “My trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia”. To get the best experience, I recommend reading the first part.   Chapter 2: The mouflon quest   After two intense days of hunting small games in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was time to head to our next […]

The post season

December 5, 2022 | Top 10

As a hunter, I’m always nostalgic during this period of the year. December means the end of the season in Switzerland (except for some species like foxes and ducks). It’s a bit like finishing a great video game: you have the main story done but you still have some exploration and sub-quests to do. Despite […]

My favorite game cookbooks

November 17, 2022 | Cooking, Top 10

Cooking venison represents the final step in the hunting process. As most of us are not professional chefs, it can be challenging to prepare the meat you hunted the right way. Luckily, hunters and chefs around the world have written cookbooks to help us sublime the meat at home. Concerning my own experience, I had […]

The hunter Paradox

November 7, 2022 | Opinions

Most hunters are passionate about nature and wildlife. In practice, this means they take time to learn, observe and study that ecosystem during all seasons of the year. Despite this, there‘s a question that non-hunters ask us a lot: “Why do you kill animals if you love nature and wildlife?” To be honest, I think […]

My favorite venison recipes

October 17, 2022 | Cooking, Top 10

Venison is one of the best meats you can eat. It’s an amazing source of protein, is low in fat, and has iron, zinc and B vitamins. Even though this type of meat is super healthy, some people are not willing to try it. The first argument for a “non-venison person” is taste. People have […]