Category: Cooking

Mon livre de cuisine : 10 recettes faciles pour mettre en valeur le gibier

December 3, 2024 | Cooking

Après plusieurs années de travail, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de mon livre “10 recettes faciles pour mettre en valeur le gibier”. Ce livre est un condensé de recettes que j’ai eu la chance de partager avec mon entourage, toutes réalisées grâce à la viande prélevée lors de mes sorties de chasse. […]

Hunting for sustainable food

October 18, 2023 | Cooking, Featured, Opinions

Hunting has been a part of human life for thousands of years. Earlier, it was a means of survival, but now it’s considered a recreational activity. Hunting still has the power to provide sustainable food options and promote ethical hunting practices. More people are turning to hunting as a way to feed themselves and their […]

My favorite game cookbooks

November 17, 2022 | Cooking, Top 10

Cooking venison represents the final step in the hunting process. As most of us are not professional chefs, it can be challenging to prepare the meat you hunted the right way. Luckily, hunters and chefs around the world have written cookbooks to help us sublime the meat at home. Concerning my own experience, I had […]

My favorite venison recipes

October 17, 2022 | Cooking, Top 10

Venison is one of the best meats you can eat. It’s an amazing source of protein, is low in fat, and has iron, zinc and B vitamins. Even though this type of meat is super healthy, some people are not willing to try it. The first argument for a “non-venison person” is taste. People have […]